當代西方漢學研究集萃 中古史卷

上海古籍出版社, 2012

The goal of Selected Contemporary Western Scholarship on Chinese Studies (Dang dai xi fang Han xue yan jiu ji cui), a five-volume series published by the highly-regarded Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, is to bring to the attention of Chinese readers some of the central intellectual concerns of historians of China in the West. The volume on the “mid-ancient period,” for which I am responsible, is designed to take into account the long stretch of time between the fall of the Han dynasty in the early third century to the so-called High Qing era in the eighteenth century, an admittedly nearly-impossible task (why the volume on “modern history” ultimately failed to materialize is itself a story of note). Since I cannot possibly include all that I deem worthy, I have chosen to highlight in this volume the historian’s perennial concerns about time and space—how should one talk about time in China, and how should one make sense of the space we call “China”?

Table of Contents:

前言 / 單國鉞
Introduction / Leo K. Shin

  1. 中國歷史的結構 / 施堅雅
    The Structure of Chinese History / G. William Skinner
  2. 內亞史上的國家形成與階段劃分 / 狄宇宙
    State Formation and Periodization in Inner Asian History / Nicola Di Cosmo
  3. 中世性與中國人的歷史觀 / 卜正民
    Medievality and the Chinese Sense of History / Timothy Brook
  4. 「早期現代性」作為紀元概念與清代思想史 / 伍安祖
    The Epochal Concept of “Early Modernity” and the Intellectual History of Late Imperial China / On-cho Ng
  5. 《文化與權力:魏晉南北朝時期華夏世界的瓦解與重建》序 / 裴士凱、司白樂、伊沛霞
    Introduction to Culture and Power in the Reconstitution of the Chinese Realm, 200–600 / Scott Pearce, Audrey Spiro, and Patricia Ebrey
  6. 《絲路新史》 序 / 韓森
    Introduction to The Silk Road: A New History / Valerie Hansen
  7. 750–1550年間中國的人口、政治及社會轉型 / 郝若貝
    Demographic, Political, and Social Transformations of China, 750–1550 / Robert M. Hartwell
  8. 宋、元、明的過渡問題 / 史樂民
    Introduction: Problematizing the Song-Yuan-Ming Transition / Paul Jakov Smith
  9. 帝制晚期文化的經濟及社會基礎 / 羅友枝
    Economic and Social Foundations of Late Imperial Culture / Evelyn S. Rawski
  10. 整合史:早期現代(1500–1800年間)的平行發展與相互聯繫 / 傅禮初
    Integrative History: Parallels and Interconnections in the Early Modern Period, 1500–1800 / Joseph F. Fletcher, Jr.
  11. 中國治權的多面性 / 柯嬌燕
    The Rulerships of China / Pamela Kyle Crossley
  12. 對帝制晚期中國經濟的反思:1730年前後–1930年間的發展、崩解和衰退 / 彭慕蘭
    Re-thinking the Late Imperial Chinese Economy:Development, Disaggregation and Decline, circa 1730–1930 / Kenneth Pomeranz